Jump Starting an Exercise Routine

07 Dec

Jump starting an exercise routine

The holidays are upon us. Everyone is stressed, busy, tired and probably not in the mood to exercise. As the days grow shorter and the weather colder, the motivation to get out and do something is lacking. It doesn’t have to be a chore to exercise. As far as priorities go, exercise probable sits at around #10. It makes sense, we are busier, have deadlines to meet, meetings to attend, people to take care of, running around to complete, the list goes on. On the bright side, exercise, even 20 minutes per day has been proven to increase energy, improve your mood and lower stress. We all know that exercise is good for not only your physical and mental health but can also help you to see things in life a little differently. What do I mean exactly, well, you have to push yourself to get started on this routine, especially if it has been awhile, it will be tough in the beginning. The push you give yourself will result in a feeling of accomplishment at the end of those 20 minutes. Little by little, the push to get in a workout won’t be a chore anymore and will be a habit. You will have seen all the positive changes that quick workout from day 1 has brought you. So grab a buddy, or sibling or partner and get to it. You will be glad that you did. There will always be time to catch up on your Netflix, but then again, when you get moving, you won’t even miss it.


*Check out all the upcoming videos here and on my Facebook page for quick, fat-burning workouts that will leave you wanting more. If you have injuries or current medical conditions, please consult your physician before engaging in any exercise routine. Questions or for exercise modifications, email me: thepurposefitness@gmail.com

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